Eiffel Tower Clipart

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Eiffel Tower clipart is the perfect accessory for Paris lovers of all ages! The magic of clipart has long been making documents, cards, invitations, websites, collages, and a wide range of other projects come to life. Creating artful presentations has the capacity to turn the boring into interesting and the dull into exciting. Images from Paris, the City of Lights, the City of Romance, and the City of Love, add sparkle, a touch of class, and a whole lot of heart to any presentation.

Where can you find Eiffel Tower clipart? The Internet is the number one source of free clip art. Simply do a search on your favorite search engine and you will have instant access to a long list of results. Then download your favorite Eiffel Tower or France images - and voila! You can now use them to jazz up any document, website, card, or art project. An alternative to electronic clip are images clipped and pasted from magazines. If you check the latest fashion magazines, you are sure to find some haute couture images directly from the heart of Paris to place alongside your Eiffel tower pictures.

Get Lots of Eiffel Tower Cliparts!

eiffel tower clipart

Where can you place Eiffel Tower clipart? Here are some fantastic ideas on how to display your passion for the Eiffel Tower and for all things Parisian for everyone to see:

  • Wedding invitations
  • Bridal shower invitations
  • Birthday party invitations
  • Valentine's Day cards
  • Birthday cards
  • Thank You cards
  • Scrap books
  • Albums
  • Websites

If you are creating a web site or a web page around the theme of Paris, blow up some Eiffel Tower clipart and use that as your centerpiece. Then all around it you can place other Parisian images or things reminiscent of France, such as clip art of poodles, berets, a plane ticket to France, pictures of French beaches, the French Riviera, the Champs Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe.

eiffel tower clipart

Of course, you can also make use of a slew of other free clip art, including random artistic designs, cartoons, images of computers, flowers, nature, smileys, hearts, plants and trees, sports equipment, musical notes, the letters of the alphabets, numbers 1-10, logos, weddings, animals, as well as clip art related to business, travel, transportation, love, religion, kids, education, countries, celebrations, movies, and more.

Finally, to jazz up your Eiffel Tower clipart and give it some extra spice and pizzazz, surround it by some of the following common French phrases or expressions:

  • Tres Magnifique!
  • Joyeux Anniversaire (Happy Birthday)
  • Merci
  • Ooo-la-la!
  • Au Revoir
  • Bonne Voyage
  • Bonne Chance
  • Bonne Journée
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