French Male Names

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French male names are some of the most sought-after names in the world. In fact, not only is French a major international language, but French is the official language of more than 35 countries across the globe! French is spoken in France, as well as in Belgium, Switzerland, Tunisia, Morocco, Africa, Canada, and other countries. There are also many Westerners of French descent and people of French origin located across the map.

At the same time, other people search for French male names simply because they enamored with the French language and the rich French heritage and culture. Besides, many French names are romantic-sounding and pleasing to the ear. Nowadays, the best place to find lists of French names for males and females is on the Internet, where you will find literally hundreds of French name suggestions, including an explanation of what they mean and how to properly pronounce them. You can also find French first names and last names in books, magazines, blogs, and forums for French-speaking people.

french male names

Some popular picks these days in French female names are: Marie, Blanche, Angelique, Alisanne, Simone, Adèle, Clarisse, Charline, Brettany

Some contemporary picks in French male names are: Gaston, Adrien, Antoine, Pierre, Fernand, Felix, Julien

It is also common to convert French male names to female names by the addition of a short suffix. For example, by adding the suffix "e," Jean becomes Jeanne; by adding the suffix "ette," Paul becomes Paulette; and by adding "ine," Jacque becomes Jacqueline. Hyphenated French boys names are also common, such as Paul-Yvonne and Henri-Adrien. By switching the order, these names can be converted to French names for girls, i.e., Yvonne-Paul and Adrianne-Henri.

Need more ideas for male names in French? Consider the modern name, "Aimé," which literally means "loved." If you're looking for a name associated with courage and bravery, consider naming your son after famous French heroes, warriors, soldiers, knights, or other great men. For names with a theme, do a search online for French names related to nature, Biblical figures, gods and goddesses, religion, celebrities, sports personalities, music, and more.

Believe it or not, there are also countless websites providing French male names for your dog! For a dark brown dog, consider the names Chocolat (French for chocolate), Chocco, Choco, or Chocie. For a creative twist, name your brown furry friend after a famous chocolate bar such as Kit Kat, Rolo, Twix, Aero. And if you love Toberlone, Toby and Tobby make great nicknames for your pet.

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